Silly me. I must have thought, somewhere in the back of my mind, that once I got Entheóphage out on the streets, I could move on to the next project and leave Phagey behind. That my schedule would remain fairly consistent, and I would have no trouble juggling what remained on my plate. (Insert annoying…
Category: Blog Posts
Kindness Teacher
I have said in my blog and to writer friends that critiquing helps me improve *my own* writing, as well as contributes feedback to the other person for their own writing. Yes, it takes away from my available time to write, but in the end, it is worth it for both people involved. (And for…
The Chronicles of Self-Publishing: 11th Part of My Journey
(or How I Did It, a “.doc”-umentary) Part 11/11 Latest update: I’ve always heard from experienced authors that the best way to stop obsessing over a single work is to move on to the next project. So I’ve been learning to juggle. Again. Projects, that is. As an indie author, I’d focused solely on Entheóphage…
The Chronicles of Self-Publishing: 10th Part of My Journey
(or How I Did It, a “.doc”-umentary) Part 10/? Latest update: Think back. Remember how I spent months in early- and mid-2019 researching this book which focuses on a peculiar new virus that affects only children, and the odd things that come of it? How I wrote the whole first draft during NaNoWriMo of 2019,…
The Chronicles of Self-Publishing: 9th Part of My Journey
(or How I Did It, a “.doc”-umentary) Part 9/? Latest update: This might be the longest post in this series yet but as you’ll see, it’s been a very busy month. Since early September, I’ve: • Succeeded in getting Phagey added to the Goodreads library. • Claimed the book as my own and updated my…
The Chronicles of Self-Publishing: 8th Part of My Journey
(or How I Did It, a “.doc”-umentary) Part 8/? Latest update: It’s been a very busy month, but the biggest thing I’ve learned is that I still have a lot to learn. I’ve not had time to take another class, but I’ve done many other things with my time. Since early August, I’ve: • Completed…
The Chronicles of Self-Publishing: 7th Part of My Journey
(or How I Did It, a “.doc”-umentary) Part 7/? Latest update: Duncan finished the setup on my print version and sent me a proof to review. I cannot express to you the excitement of getting even that much closer to publication! I’ve picked a tentative new publication date but am not going to make that…
The Chronicles of Self-Publishing: 6th Part of My Journey
(or How I Did It, a “.doc”-umentary) Part 6/? Latest update: I got word from Duncan, my cover designer, that his wife was home and on the mend. Thank goodness for that! I know he is relieved, as is she. In addition to my joy at that good news, I was able to send my…
The Chronicles of Self-Publishing: 5th Part of My Journey
(or How I Did It, a “.doc”-umentary) Part 5/? We’re finally settled into our new home, which means additional tasks that suck time away from my writing and publishing, but I don’t mind. I’ve always loved weeding a garden, as long as the temps aren’t soaring in the upper 80s or 90s. I have my…
The Chronicles of Self-Publishing: 4th Part of My Journey
(or How I Did It, a “.doc”-umentary) Part 4/? In the last week or two of February, as well as all of March and April, I was far too absorbed with our move to even think about my manuscript. Instead, that time was spent searching for a new home, packing and sorting (our new home…