In a strange duality of perception, I am both surprised that Christmas Day is upon us so quickly, and relieved that it finally arrived after Time dragged its feet for so long. This year has been a fast-and-furious roller coaster of activity with surprises around every turn. Life has been good and I am thankful…
Author: DremaDeoraich
An Obsessed Writer’s Ultimate Wish List
Dear Kris, How are things at the North Pole? I hope you and your Kringle S.O. in the red leggings and faux-fur lined cap are both well and ready for the imminent last-minute rush. Rudolph and all your other four-leggeds are healthy and rested? I’m sure the elves have been putting in loads of overtime….
No Gain, No Shame: When Life Gets in the Way
NaNoWriMo always surprises me. Every Fall, it hovers around the corner like one of our kittens, furry butt wiggling in preparation for The Pounce and, the minute November 1 arrives, it attacks my conscience. I always want to be a NaNoWriMo writer. I’ve occasionally planned to participate. It just never works out. Bad Drema. No…
One Challenge to Inclusive Fiction in a Diverse World
In September of 2017, I blogged here about an idea for a transgender character, and how my initial inquiries to trans or genderfluid friends and contacts led me to reconsider that story as too stereotyped. Since then, I’ve danced around the inclusion of non-binary characters in my fictional works. It isn’t that I write only…
It’s Not You: Right Words, Wrong Audience
I see semi-regular comments on Twitter about writers who argue with editors. The overwhelming majority of opinion on this subject from writers who actually get published is this: DON’T. I agree. A magazine’s editor certainly knows better than any of its writers (or potential contributors) what is best for its particular market. That said, I…
Buy Right: Practical Ways to Gift Your Writer
In the U.S., winter holidays are just around the corner. That means the biggest season in the year for retail spending. Marathon shoppers know all about how to prepare for Black Friday, Cyber Monday and all their associated merchant-inspired lead-ins to this most mercantile of all seasons. Maybe you’re a mad shopper who loves trips…
A Surprising Truth—Subtlety Makes Fiction Stronger
I recently critiqued an excellent short story for a fellow Critter, a soft sci-fi piece with some hard sci-fi elements, which takes place on a distant world and has a … unique twist. From the moment I started reading it, I was hooked. The author doled out hints and clues about this world in tantalizing…
For Love or Money: Fueling the Creative Fire
I was looking over some writing tips on other people’s blogs today when I came across a tip I’ve seen elsewhere, too: Don’t try to write what you think will sell. Write what you want to read. Write what moves you. Write to understand the world around you. These words made an impression on me…
Double-Down: Boost your Impact with Targeted Prose
Recently, I signed up to read at a local Hampton Roads Writers “Show and Grow” event, where writers can read their work in front of an audience and receive brief critiques afterward from a 2-person panel of professionals. I’d done it once before, years ago, and got a lot out of it. This time it…
Courage and Comfort Found in Good Company
Remember back in August when I blogged about Pitch Wars? How excited I was? Yeah. I knew the odds were against me at the time I applied. Nearly 3,500 mentee hopefuls mobbed the volunteer mentors with juicy manuscripts. It stood to reason that 99.999% of us would be eating chocolate and drinking red wine (or…