How often have you come back from a week vacation and felt as though you needed a few days off to recuperate before heading back to work?
That’s where I am right now.
But it’s all good. I got to spend time with family exploring new territory in an island nation I’d never visited (Bermuda). Activities were fast and furious the entire time, so even though I took my computer intending to write and blog, that didn’t really happen. Instead, Bobby and I did a helmet dive on one of Bermuda’s beautiful reefs, fed the fishes, learned to drive a Segway, explored Hamilton, toured the island with an awesome guide, saw a few shows, ate way more than we should have, and generally did things we normally never have the chance to experience.
I did, however, take printed copies of chapters from my novel and read through them with red pen in hand. Found ways to tighten and focus, and made the changes. Re-read that short story I talked about setting aside, made a few tweaks. Read another book I’ll be reviewing soon (Fool Me Once). I even spent some of the time just chillin’. I do that so seldom! Professional writers often say that down time (unfocused on anything productive) is essential to the creative process. Hopefully, as I sort through the photos and memories from our trip, a few story ideas will rise to the top.
So this post is short; I’ll be updating the site again later this week (hopefully tomorrow!), so stay tuned.